
Last adventures in the airs: some airports over sell there landing slots!

Hello dear reader,

This post will start a series of ones about my adventures in the airs. My last experience is young, it was last week end. I was flying from a big airport in Canada to a big airport in the US. On Friday afternoon, I arrive at the airport with my boarding pass. I printed it in advance (;)). So I go through the security (A hassle as usual!), I'm taken some things of mine (of course) and I am searched thoroughly. At this occasion, the lady checked my underwear also (I promise it is true). I guess you wanted to check if they could be enough to seduce the pilot and make him want to follow my wills. Anyway, she decided that they were safe , she probably thought that cotton ones are non-dangerous.
After that, I accessed the gates and to my surprise, my flight was cancelled. I was totally shocked because some minutes before it was on. When the next door agent arrived, she was jumped on by not only me, but a dozen passengers in the same situation, some of which had luggage lost somewhere. Luckily, there was another plane to the same city that night, but to a different airport. People with luggage were worried about it, but we all booked for the other plane. We were all worried, because the we were all in stand by. The lady was clear: the fight was already over sold. At last, the flight boards and we all wait with anxietey to be called. In the end of the day, we could all take the plane. I don't know if the other passengers could find their luggage. We were one hour late, which was not too bad.
On my way back on Sunday night, my return flight was two hours late.

Cause: The reason for the cancelled flight and for the return flight heavily delayed was the same. The destination airport had oversold its landing slots. Too many flights had to land at the same time, and some flights were randomly cancelled, causing distress to the passengers. I find this pratice appauling. No excuse from the company was provided. No agent was there to help the passengers personnally. The lady who helped us was boarding another flight and she already had a lot to do. I don't think I can't complain to the company, because at the end, the outcome was ok. I don't even know if sending could help.


Tom Roud said...

Hi Tara,
thank you for telling people about all these stories; i hope this will initiate something. This over sell is truly amazing...

Tara-George dit Nicole said...

Thank you Tom,
It is nice to have some support.
Take care