
Why are there so many flights cancelled?

Hello reader of my heart,

I feel I have neglected you some lately. Unfortunetaly, it's not because I lack subjects... Airline companies are still giving me and my friends a hard time.
This week end, one of my lover came visiting me. He couldn't leave town tonight: all the flight for NYC (three airports) and Philadephia are cancelled from here, from this afternoon to tomorrow afternoon. The cause given by the airline employees at the airport and over the phone holds in one word: temperature.
So I went online and looked up http://english.wunderground.com/, which I believe is reliable. The result is enclosed. As you can see it is currently 12°C.

I didn't know that on the surface of aircrafts, water freezes at 11°C. This very special phenomenon may be due to the pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the cabine. I'll have to ask my lover engineer to confirm that theory.

1 comment:

Tara-George dit Nicole said...

An informater in CT confirms it is 10°C right now down there.