
The Anti-Plane Statement

Hello again,

I would like to express in a few points the purpose of this blog:
  • I will use examples taken from my own and my friends' experience to show typical misfunctioning.
  • I will try to explain some of the misfunctioning with figures and analysis
  • I will try to seek solutions that I think could be valuable.
I hope that this approach will help this blog not turning into a negative one. I want to show how and why the only-plane strategy that is going on in North America especially is a bad one. How it creates a monopole type situation with little competition between airlines.

At last, I will try as much as I can to not use airlines company or airports, because I don't want to have problems. I will ask you to do the same if you want to talk about your experience.

Ok, Have a good day. I will have a lot to tell you about my recent adventure.


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